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Trick or Treat! DIY Costume for Your Trampoline

Make a quick and easy costume for your Springfree trampoline with this step-by-step tutorial!

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Trick or Treat! DIY Costume for Your Trampoline

Kids and parents are gearing up for the spookiest time of the year. Costumes have been made, candy has been purchased, and houses have been decorated. But what about that Springfree Trampoline in your backyard?

Make a quick and easy costume for your Springfree Trampoline with this step-by-step tutorial.


  • 2x White Flat Sheets (Queen or King)
  • 1 package White Pipe Cleaners
  • Black Duct Tape
  • Scissors

halloween materials

Step 1: Take a corner of the sheet. Bunch together about 1 inch of fabric and twist the center of the pipe cleaner around it.

Step 2: Thread the pipe cleaner through the enclosure net about the enclosure rod to the right of the trampoline entrance and twist.

step one costume

Step 3:  Moving left repeat step 1 & 2 above each enclosure rod.

Step 4: Using the 2nd sheet complete steps 1-3 moving right around the trampoline. 

step four costume

Step 5: Taking the bottom corners of the sheets bunch together about 1 inch of fabric and twist the centre of the pipe cleaner around it.

Step 6: Pull the sheet tight and wrap the pipe cleaner around the frame of the trampoline. 


Step 7: Using the black duct tape create a ghost face and stick it to the white sheet. Be sure to press firmly to make sure it is stuck.

Step 8: For a cool affect at night place a lamp in the center of the trampoline, so your ghost will glow!

trampoline ghost

Need more inspiration?

Instead of using white sheets try using orange sheets and turn Springfree Trampoline into a pumpkin!

trampoline pumpkin

trampoline pumpkin dark

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Header Image By @zjilloyd

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