11 Tips On How to Reduce Your Stress

Learning to cope with stress will make you and the people you care about stronger. Here are a few tips to make the coming days a little easier!

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11 Tips On How to Reduce Your Stress

Everyone reacts differently to stressful situations. Fear and anxiety can be overwhelming for adults and children alike. Learning to cope with stress will make you and the people you care about stronger. 

You are not alone and we are all in this together. 

11 Stress Reduction Tips

Here are a few tips to make the coming days a little easier:

1. Take it one day at a time. Some days can seem very daunting and "Groundhog Day" in our current situation. Whether it’s juggling working from home, adjusting to homeschooling kids, trying to add new goals into your daily routine, or all of the above - this can be a very stressful time for all of us. 

Pick one daily item from your “to-list” list, starting today. These to-dos do not have to be monumental tasks, like writing a best-selling novel.

They can be as simple as organizing a drawer in your kitchen or successfully finishing homework, work emails and putting dinner in the oven all before 6 o’clock! Also remember, lazy days are totally OKAY and necessary to stay sane!

2. Get the kids to help with chores. Even Batman runs into trouble and needs Robin to help, so there’s no need to go it alone.

Designate your kids as your "sidekick" to pitch in on various tasks. Need help baking dad’s cake for the stay at home birthday party? Have the kids help out – while you supervise the oven use! In addition, decorating the house or wrapping those Amazon packages can also go to your eager sidekicks!

3. Hug it out. Hugging your kids or your partner can help your body trigger the release of the “cuddle hormone” oxytocin, which also helps regulate stress and boost happiness. There’s a whole list of other health benefits to hugging, so remember to fill in your “to do” list with lots of cuddle time!

4. Go for a pump-up morning bounce. Adding a few jumps to your daily routine can help you wake up and warm up with a fun, quick, high-flying cardio session. Bounce your stress away on your Springfree Trampoline. (Just don’t tell your kids you’re going out or you’ll have to share your bounce time!)

Kids playing on and around a Springfree Trampoline.

5. Take a mindfulness minute. Set alarms throughout the day to remind youself to stop for a minute and take stock of your stress levels. If you’re feeling frazzled, it’s good to identify that early and give yourself more time to adjust your plans for the day. In reality, you’ll probably recognize how much you’ve gotten done today. Give yourself a nice pat on the back!

6. Make a Stay and Play Playlist. We all have favorite songs that get our spirit going. Make a playlist of your essential anthems and have them ready for when you have a stressful activity ahead—and power through! Bonus: play them on your next morning bounce on your Springfree Trampoline for a quick energy boost before a day of chores.

7. Shop online. Staying home and shopping online is much more necessary now. Take some time to fill your digital carts with essential and maybe a few not so essential, fun items. Just keep an eye on shipping details and timelines, as many companies are experiencing delays. 

8. Try a gratitude circle during dinner. While you’re sitting down to eat, ask each family member to name something that they’re grateful for. Appreciating the positive things you share together, will keep your family better equipped to handle the negatives that can come from this pandemic. 

9. Put one of the family favourites on the TV. Whether you need a minute on the couch to enjoy a bowl of popcorn or you just want to keep the kids distracted while you enjoy some "me" time, movies are the perfect way to guarantee an hour or two of downtime. You can't go wrong with all of the streaming services available now-a-days. 

10. Take movement breaks. Do a few minutes of stretches, pick a song for a one-minute dance party with your family or sneak out for a 10-minute bounce on your Springfree Trampoline. According to a trampoline study by NASA, 10 minutes spent bouncing on a trampoline gives you the same amount of exercise as a 30-minute run. (Plus, it’s a lot more fun!)

11. Forget perfection. To keep your mind off of the world outside of your home, sometimes you may push to add too much to that to-do list. Remember, you are doing the best you can! Forget the perfection and try to enjoy these special moments together with your loved ones!

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